Mlp applejack family
Mlp applejack family

mlp applejack family

This is made explicit when she lives with her Orange relatives in high-society Manehattan and is baffled at the minuscule food servings they're used to eating there. Applejack's heavy farm chores burn a lot of energy, so she is used to eating a lot of food.As told by Granny Smith, playing this trope endangered her family and business, and would lead Applejack to be the honest pony she is today. "Where the Apple Lies" reveals that she wasn't always honest when she was younger. In "The Return of Harmony", after Discord brainwashes her into being a compulsive liar, she bites her lip and averts her eyes after every lie. In "Party of One," despite her excuses technically being true, she puts on a giant fake smile for Pinkie. Bad Liar: Befitting the Element of Honesty, Applejack isn't one to lie, but when she does, she's terrible at hiding it.

mlp applejack family

Badbutt: Like Rainbow Dash, she's portrayed as being a rough-and-tumble Action Girl, but the all-ages nature of the show keeps it from going too far.


On full display in "Spike at Your Service" where she badly fakes being attacked.Īpplejack: Oh no! I seem to have got my hoof caught in between two rocks! I cannot run away! I am a damsel in distress! Help me, Spike!

  • Bad "Bad Acting": Justified, for the same reasons she's a Bad Liar.
  • While as an Earth Pony she lacks the flashier abilities (most notably magic-usage and flight) most of her other Pony friends have, she's still a competent Cute Bruiser who bravely fights by their side.
  • Badass Adorable: In a Badass Normal sort of way.
  • Her dedication to honesty is a direct contrast to their Con Artist ways, leading to her clashing with them numerous times, and thus holding an extreme dislike for the two of them.
  • Arch-Enemy: She has this dynamic with the Flim-Flam Brothers.
  • Anti-Mentor: When tasked by Twilight to work with Rainbow Dash to teach students on teamwork, both she and Rainbow end up falling into this thanks to their inability to work together without making even the act of teaching a competition.
  • After Twilight freed her from the spell, she said that she knew what she was doing but she couldn't face the truth.
  • And I Must Scream: In the two-parter episode, "The Return Of Harmony", she is the first victim of Discord's brainwashing, which turns her into a compulsive liar.
  • "The Last Problem" reintroduces her after the events of the show bickering with Rainbow Dash about chores Like an Old Married Couple, with crew members confirming they were written that way on purpose. By contrast, her Vitriolic Best Buds dynamic with Rarity and Rainbow Dash nudges dangerously close to Belligerent Sexual Tension at times note in fact, Rarity and Applejack's Equestria Girls counterparts were intentionally written as a couple for the last few specials, albeit subtly so.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Unlike the rest of the mane cast (aside from Spike), has no really noticeable Ship Tease with any male characters and is totally uninterested when she does get a stallion's attention (though to be fair, it's Trenderhoof).
  • Affectionate Nickname: She sometimes calls her closest friends "sugarcube".
  • Adaptational Badass: Compared to the G1 Applejack, this version is far more heroic and awesome in terms of character.

  • Mlp applejack family